
Twitter Bingo

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5,528,245 likes 35,565 talking about this. We're BINGO Blitz, the #1 Bingo game on Facebook! Play our high-action version of Bingo for free! Check out our Daily Tournament and Slots too! The latest tweets from @bingoblitz. New to this year was the addition of a Twitter Bingo board. The challenge was sent to all staff members, and the time frame was September 1 - September 16th. During that time, teachers 'competed' to be entered into a drawing for First prize or for the Grand Prize. Click here for the pdf of the bingo board or click the picture above.

  1. Twitter Bingo Drive
  2. Twitter Bingo Blitz Credits

The tweet was sent out Friday afternoon. a tool thought could help people cope during the pandemic. Turns out it completely backfired on them.

The BC Self-care Bingo card, something folks can use to help manage some stress & anxiety during COVID-19. The post also offering a link to find many free & low-cost options.

But then the comments came rolling in.

13.4k Followers, 133 Following, 288 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Praia Bingo (@praiabingo).

Some saying ” Appreciate the sentiment, but we can’t self-care our way out of the pandemic. ” and ” I am sure this is meant well but tone-deaf. You can’t meditate your way out of systemic issues”

One person, even revamping the card to this “Fixed it for you”

A short time later, the BC Government Twitter account posted this:

“COVID-19 has caused mental, emotional, and financial stress. Our post was meant to give people ideas of how they can take care of themselves and their neighbors and point them to free and low-cost mental health supports. We’ve seen positive feedback, but also heard we missed the mark. We know there’s a lot more work to do to get through this — we’re committed to doing the work. ”

CKPG reached out for a response but was unable to get a comment. Not all the responses were bad, however, there was some major digging to be done. But, there were some people who thought it was a great idea saying:

” I don’t know why people are dissing this. I think it’s thoughtful and helpful.” and “Totally fine, the sentiment is there. Meant to spark an idea, not cure all your life’s ailments. Notice how “get offended online” isn’t on there”

The most important note to make is this, if you are struggling and you need help there are local resources available to anyone in need here in Prince George.

You can also head to the Northern Health website to find help in your area.

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engelsk norsk bokmål
norsk bokmål
  • (transitive, intransitive) To scatter in different directions
  • (transitive, intransitive) To break up and disappear; to dissipate

oversettelser disperse

  • His orders are to disperse immediately after the funeral.

    Hans ordre er å spre dere umiddelbart etter begravelsen.

Lignende setninger


It is said that when hatched by a hen they will directly disperse on some alarm, and so are lost, for they never hear the mother's call which gathers them again.
Det sies at når klekket av en høne vil de direkte spre på noen alarm, og så går tapt, for de aldri høre morens samtale som samler dem igjen.
No, because history shows that Jehovah’s dedicated Christian worshipers were dispersed during World War I that began in 1914.
Nei, for historien viser at Jehovas innviede kristne tilbedere ble atspredt under den første verdenskrig, som begynte i 1914.
But the dispersed ones will walk on it and will by no means go astray,” LXX; Sy, “And no uncleanness will pass along in it.
Men de bortdrevne (de som er spredt omkring) skal vandre på den og skal slett ikke gå seg vill», LXX; Sy: «og ingen urenhet skal dra fram på den.
43 And it came to pass that when they cast their eyes about, and saw that the cloud of darkness was dispersed from overshadowing them, behold, they saw that they were aencircled about, yea every soul, by a pillar of fire.
43 Og det skjedde at da de så seg omkring og oppdaget at den mørke skyen var drevet bort og ikke lenger overskygget dem, se, da så de at hver eneste sjel var aomkranset av en ildsøyle.
' Probabilistic calculation of Air Pollutant Dispersion. ' Bingo.
' Sannsynlighetsberegning av luftforurensingsnivå. ' Bingo.
Unlike for the Inuit and Gallic groups, the orbital parameters are widely dispersed and group is likely to be composed from a number of subgroups with more homogenous orbital and physical parameters.
I motsetning til de inuittiske og galliske gruppene er baneparameterne spredt og gruppen er sannsynligvis sammensatt av en rekke undergrupper med mer homogene fysiske og baneegenskaper.
Biya survived a military coup attempt on 6 April 1984, following his decision on the previous day to disband the Republican Guard and disperse its members across the military.
Biya overlevde et militært kuppforsøk 6. april 1984, etter at han dagen før besluttet å oppløse Republikanergarden, og spre dens medlemmer over i ulike deler av militæret.
Rather it was a dispersed, grass-roots campaign that attacked segregation in many different places using many different tactics.
Den var en spredt, grasrot-kampanje som angrep segresjon på mange forskjellige steder ved bruk av mange forskjellige taktikker.
13 Jehovah went on to say: “This is how the Israelites will eat their bread—unclean—among the nations where I will disperse them.”
13 Jehova sa videre: «Det er slik israelittene kommer til å spise brødet sitt – urent – blant de nasjonene som jeg skal drive dem bort til.»
Once a biological agent has been dispersed into the atmosphere, it is exposed to sunlight and varying temperatures, which can cause the microorganism to die.
Så snart et biologisk stridsmiddel er blitt sluppet ut i atmosfæren, blir det utsatt for sollys og varierende temperaturer, noe som kan få mikroorganismene til å dø.
' Police were forced to use tear gas to disperse a crowd shortly after a not-guilty verdict was announced out- - '
' Politiet brukte tåregass for å spre massene etter at tiltalte ble frikjent... '
15 For none can have power to bring it to light save it be given him of God; for God wills that it shall be done with an aeye single to his glory, or the welfare of the ancient and long dispersed covenant people of the Lord.

Twitter Bingo Drive

15 For ingen har makt til å bringe det frem i lyset uten at det skjer ved Guds hjelp, for Gud vil det skal gjøres med aøyet fullt og helt vendt mot hans ære eller til beste for Herrens folk i fordums tid, paktens folk som lenge har vært adspredt.
At that, most of the inhabitants of Vavoua dispersed, including the remaining Witnesses.
Da forsvant de fleste av innbyggerne i Vavoua, også de vitnene som var blitt tilbake.
In irregular galaxies, they may be dispersed throughout the galaxy, but in spirals they are most abundant within the spiral arms.
I Irregulære galakser, kan de være spredt ut over hele galaksen, mens i spiralgalakser er det mest tallrike i galaksens spiralarmer.

Twitter Bingo Blitz Credits

And it must occur in that day that there will be a blowing on a great horn, and those who are perishing in the land of Assyria and those who are dispersed in the land of Egypt will certainly come and bow down to Jehovah in the holy mountain in Jerusalem.”
Og det skal skje på den dagen at de skal blåse i et stort horn, og de som er i ferd med å gå til grunne i Assyrias land, og de som er bortdrevne i Egypts land, skal visselig komme og bøye seg for Jehova på det hellige fjell i Jerusalem.»
Though permission for the gathering was given by the local chief, the police insisted that we disperse.
Selv om høvdingen på stedet hadde gitt tillatelse til at stevnet kunne bli holdt, forlangte politiet at vi fjernet oss og drog hver til vårt.
This was many centuries after the Flood and hence long after the dispersal of families because of the confusion of mankind’s language at Babel.
Dette var mange hundre år etter vannflommen og altså lenge etter at slektene var blitt spredt som følge av språkforvirringen i Babel.
Such exiles would go through their hard experience and come back from the dispersion to take up a purified worship of Jehovah after the land of Judah had lain desolate for seventy years.
Disse landflyktige ville klare seg gjennom de store trengsler som ventet dem, og vende tilbake fra landflyktigheten og gjenoppta en renset tilbedelse av Jehova etter at Juda land hadde ligget øde i 70 år.
Pan-nationalism implies that the national group is dispersed over several existing states.
Twitter bingolotto
Pannasjonalismen er inneforstått med at nasjonalgruppen er utspredt over flere eksisterende stater.
Because, first in the postwar period of time, was restoration possible for the worshipers of Jehovah from the oppressed, dispersed, restricted state that was like the condition of the Jewish exiles in Babylon during 607-537 B.C.E.
Fordi det først var i etterkrigstiden at det var mulig for Jehovas tilbedere å bli utfridd av den undertrykte og splittede tilstand som de var i, og som kan sammenlignes med den tilstand jødene var i under fangenskapet i Babylon fra år 607 til 537 f.
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